06-11-2017, 10:51 PM
(Esta mensagem foi modificada pela última vez a: 06-11-2017, 11:02 PM por Jaguar Paw.)
Vendo as coisas pelo prisma que o Spectro usou, em sua primeira postagem, ser um profissional bem sucedido que ganha o suficiente para que a sua esposa possa apenas ser dona de casa, não é vacina contra os chifres lá na América do Norte:
Violet (who has decided to only share her first name) of Ontario was married for 13 years before she joined Ashley Madison in 2010, a dating site for people seeking others who are married or in relationships.
The site, whose parent company settled in a data breach lawsuit earlier this year, is free for women. In Canada, the ratio of women to men is three active females for every one paid active male, the company confirmed with Global News.
“It was the secret,” she says. “It was something that was mine and I didn’t have to share it with anyone else.”
The 47-year-old stay-at-home mom says she was in a happy marriage. She was raising two young children, her husband worked towards his career and she never felt neglected at home. But after 13 years of her routine life, it became stagnant.
“I began to feel unsexy and I heard about the site and thought to take a look… I didn’t expect to meet somebody who fit my criteria.”
That year she met a married man she fell in love with and things quickly became addictive. He was an educated professional father who was in a similar situation as she was. The relationship lasted on-and-off for seven years and Violet’s current husband still has no idea.
“It was intense … for three years,” she says. “We were seeing each other multiple times a week, talking on the phone, emailing, sending texts … he was my primary go-to, he was more my husband than my husband was.”
After the three years, he ended up leaving his own wife, but Violet chose to stay with her husband and kids. While her affair has recently dissolved, she went back on the dating site three months ago. So far, she hasn’t met anyone like him.
“I think I am looking to replace what I had.”
Nobody knows Violet’s secret and she doesn’t ever plan on telling her husband.
“There’s a stigma attached to cheating,” she says. “I would hate for my children to know their mother did this. I can say my husband is a very good man, but everyone’s story is individual.
“Once you choose to step outside of your marriage, it’s very hard not to go back. There’s something you miss, over years of marriage, attention and physical as well, but in an affair, you can explore different things.”
O caso descrito aí é perfeito para descrever esta nova adultera, percebam que, por mais tarada que ela estivesse pelo amante, a dita cuja jamais cogitou deixar o seu marido por causa dele. Enquanto que o cara acabou se divorciando de sua esposa.
Ou seja, as mulheres estão retornando àqueles tempos em que infiéis permaneciam casados ''até que a morte os separasse'', considero isto um baita retrocesso.
Violet (who has decided to only share her first name) of Ontario was married for 13 years before she joined Ashley Madison in 2010, a dating site for people seeking others who are married or in relationships.
The site, whose parent company settled in a data breach lawsuit earlier this year, is free for women. In Canada, the ratio of women to men is three active females for every one paid active male, the company confirmed with Global News.
“It was the secret,” she says. “It was something that was mine and I didn’t have to share it with anyone else.”
The 47-year-old stay-at-home mom says she was in a happy marriage. She was raising two young children, her husband worked towards his career and she never felt neglected at home. But after 13 years of her routine life, it became stagnant.
“I began to feel unsexy and I heard about the site and thought to take a look… I didn’t expect to meet somebody who fit my criteria.”
That year she met a married man she fell in love with and things quickly became addictive. He was an educated professional father who was in a similar situation as she was. The relationship lasted on-and-off for seven years and Violet’s current husband still has no idea.
“It was intense … for three years,” she says. “We were seeing each other multiple times a week, talking on the phone, emailing, sending texts … he was my primary go-to, he was more my husband than my husband was.”
After the three years, he ended up leaving his own wife, but Violet chose to stay with her husband and kids. While her affair has recently dissolved, she went back on the dating site three months ago. So far, she hasn’t met anyone like him.
“I think I am looking to replace what I had.”
Nobody knows Violet’s secret and she doesn’t ever plan on telling her husband.
“There’s a stigma attached to cheating,” she says. “I would hate for my children to know their mother did this. I can say my husband is a very good man, but everyone’s story is individual.
“Once you choose to step outside of your marriage, it’s very hard not to go back. There’s something you miss, over years of marriage, attention and physical as well, but in an affair, you can explore different things.”
O caso descrito aí é perfeito para descrever esta nova adultera, percebam que, por mais tarada que ela estivesse pelo amante, a dita cuja jamais cogitou deixar o seu marido por causa dele. Enquanto que o cara acabou se divorciando de sua esposa.
Ou seja, as mulheres estão retornando àqueles tempos em que infiéis permaneciam casados ''até que a morte os separasse'', considero isto um baita retrocesso.